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Search results

  1. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    ((..Anyways.)) Weavile yelped and dove for a Shedinja, hoping only one attack was real. Closing her eyes, she spread her claws and leapt into the mass of Shedinja and Shadow Balls, trailing a faint white aura. Instinctively she dug her claws into the ghost bug, the white aura streaming into the...
  2. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    ((..'S this for me or FMC?))
  3. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Not even waiting for Pikachu to move, Weavile pulled him up on her back and dropped him, waiting on the third floor. Something was gonna jump out at them and attack, she could just tell... With a growl, she looked around cautiously and began to call up icy energy in her claws.
  4. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

  5. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Weavile caught Pikachu, the force of his weight knocking her back a bit. Now she really knew why partners were a pain in.. erm. Leaping over her partner, she splayed a palm and gathered icy energy, watching as it condensed into a thin, pale beam and shot towards the Sableye. Running after her...
  6. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    "Dammit, die already," Weavile screeched. Coating her claws with a dark aura, she leapt at the Sableye and slashed at him, trying to make him drop Pikachu. She came here to win, and wouldn't be stopped by some stupid Sableye! ((Night Slash x1000. >:[))
  7. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Weavile started to focus on the purple aura from before, and yelped as the fainted Sableye floated near her. "Spite," she muttered, and plopped down. Focusing all her thoughts, she watched as a ripple of dark energy passed through the air and slammed the Sableye back, once again taking caution...
  8. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    The pair of blue balls of flame passed through Weavile for a moment, and she smirked. "What's that supposed to do-" The pain of the burns came a second later, and she swore. "Come on!" A sickly purple aura came over one of her claws, the familiar icy pale blue over the next. With a battle cry...
  9. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    With a huff, the Weavile was knocked to the ground by the Sableye's attack. Leaping up quickly, she ran towards the two Sableye with her claws forwards, each leaving a trail of icy energy as she punched at both Sableyes in twin Ice Punches. Leaping back and nodding to Pikachu, Weavile gathered...
  10. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    ((So I assume Weavile can just wake up?)) Hearing the dull thud of her partner's blow was all it took to shake the Weavile back into consciousness. "Sorry 'bout that," she muttered, and nodded. Well, they had to continue, unless they wanted to end up like the other Pokemon on the table back in...
  11. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    "Argh!" Weavile looked away, digging her claws into her palm in an attempt to keep herself conscious. She couldn't fall asleep.. Not in the middle of a battle! She found her eyelids starting to droop, and with a quick thought, begun to draw all her dark thoughts together. With a sigh, Weavile...
  12. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    With a shudder and screech, the Weavile ducked away from the two ghost tongues. "A little help would be nice," she yelled down the stairs, and rolled her eyes. Did she really need help? She herself could easily defeat these two... she had a type advantage, even! Gathering together all the dark...
  13. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    "Are you-" Weavile glared at her partner. She didn't need a partner to do anything; she was perfectly fine on her own! She could scale this tower by the time this.. rat got to the first floor! With a resigned sigh, she looked at Pikachu and tried not to glare. "Let's do this, then," the...
  14. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Co-op sounds good~ Would we get to choose partners or would you choose, or do you not want to say? :O
  15. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Weavile sighed as she could breathe again, and looked with a smug grin at the trophy. Gold, huh? What was after gold? Brushing the powder away, she wished she didn't burn so much energy, and left the room. Once again, she stood outside the doors.. and nodded to the number three. "Well, I guess...
  16. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Holy- The Weavile was covered by the vines and they began to constrict, effectively cutting off her circulation. With a cry, she reached through the vines and pointed her palms outwards as the temperature in the room began to drop, and blasts of ice and snow swirled around the room. She knew she...
  17. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Weavile smirked at the Chikorita, unintentionally letting the leaf cut her across the chest. She cried out and glared at her opponent, letting loose the icy energy she had charged up in her palm. It thinned out and shot forwards, in the shape of a thin white beam. ((Ice Beam~))
  18. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Weavile smirked at the statue, tapping it with a claw on her way out. Standing in front of the doors once more, she squinted at the numbers, going with the fifth door. Number five, she thought, and placed a claw on the door's handle, passing through. Just to be ready, the Weavile began to charge...
  19. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    Weavile was ready for the blow. At the second the Poliwhirl burst out of the water, she let it punch her in the chest and grabbed it's arm, swinging it around and throwing it into the wall using its own momentum. "Take that," she yelled, pausing to catch her breath. Making that chunk of ice had...
  20. Dragon

    Lucario Palace

    "Holy..!" Weavile was struck by the Hydro Pump and went flying into the pool, clawing her way up angrily. Clinging to the side of the platform, she ducked underwater and located her opponent, and pulled herself onto the platform. Placing a claw on the water's surface, she pumped as much energy...
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