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Search results

  1. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    what basement?
  2. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Oops well better stop being suspicious then :x Suspicious like the fact that we managed to rebuild a (previously) burning building in like a day while legendaries sling meteors in our general direction from above.
  3. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    You forgot to mention the multiple basements we had built for nefarious purposes! Or was that supposed to be a secret? Also you guys should check the first post(s) before asking stuff. Skylark's right about the prices.
  4. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    sreservoir vs Rayquaza is up.
  5. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Terra Cave and Marine Cave respectively; they're in the second post.
  6. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    The thread for Whirlpool vs Simulator (Suicune) will be up in a sec. EDIT: here we go~
  7. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Negrek vs. Zapdos is complete, and I'll be taking another battle now.
  8. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Darkrai: Dark Void~Focus Blast~Focus Blast
  9. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Alright so uh, let's get this shit started. Also, you might want to link to your profile, 's helpful. DARKRAI would like to battle! Simulator Darkrai(X) Ability: Bad Dreams Crazy Linoone's Party [Crunch]Croconaw(M) Ability: Torrent [Zigzag]Linoone(F) Ability: Pickup [Riley]Riolu(M)@Expert...
  10. Dragon

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Do you mean a double battle? Actually, only specific pairs can be battled in a double battle, so you'll have to choose one for a single. :/ Unless I'm misunderstanding your post. ?
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