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  1. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Assymetry? Maxis does listen to us! <3 Well, those on The Sporums, anyway. Time to see if my epic flail problem has been fixed with this patch.
  2. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Well, you go into Spore Galactic Adventures, create, create adventure or edit adventure, if that's what you meant?
  3. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    To do missions in Space, you just have to find a planet that has a white flag near it, or you take random missions and see if they say your name. Since you name your captain now (lol) they'll either say "Omnipotent _____ we have need of your cheese" or "Harvester _______, we need you to beam...
  4. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Hey guys, check out my Dusknoir, plz :)? Other than that, it seems I can't upload anything. Sad face. EDIT: Check this out too, while your at it: lulz
  5. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    When I tried to play without the CD (like you could with the original game), it said insert the DVD too. Maybe it's just a typo? Or is your CD actually in? Well, I, on the other hand, am having a different problem. I can't play anyone elses missions because of Creation Download Failure >< The...
  6. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Well, first off, don't attack them. Secondly, this page here may help. Just go to the "How to ally with the Grox" section. Mah first mission 6)
  7. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Update bump thingy-mc-jig, Spore Galactic Adventures is out! ... Well, for me it is. It's pretty cool, but creating adventures can get a little difficult. Will someone play my mision? It's called Chilling Events :)
  8. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    xD Lol at that glitch. AT least you got DNA points, right? Wow that planet has a nice landscape. I'm jealous :(
  9. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Hello there, Volak. Meet Audrey II. Play nicely :)
  10. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Let's put a smile on that face! Anyway, I can't quite recall the weirdest name I've given a creature. I think I've callen one, though I'm pretty sure I've made one that's stupid. Now for something completely different: Dungeons of Spore? Nevermind, I'm too late ><
  11. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Oh, awesome then. :) I'll go find an empire that can change me. I personally found Shaman useful on one game, as being able to teleport to your homeworld from anywhere is very useful.
  12. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    When it says close to Omnipotent, can you still change it if you are omnipotent?
  13. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    If I'm correct, you just put it in the folder where your Spore game is located. Oh btw Sike Saner, how do you get the option to change your stereotype archetype?
  14. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    Lol xD Terraforming is worth one thousand pictures xD
  15. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    I heard they already made a thing about that, and that it was finished already o_O
  16. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    My Spore screen name is absolclaw.
  17. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    That's why you take over a planet with purple spice >)
  18. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    That ducking sucks you can't claim it. *brick'd* Oh, and I finally made omnipotent status yesterday! And I can get more spice from my purple planet.
  19. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    xD I dunno, the planet name might be a red herring. ... I never find any funny planet names :(
  20. Dragonclaw

    Spore Chat

    I've actually subscribed to a package of food creatures xD
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