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Search results

  1. Dragonclaw

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Cynda/Bayleef lvl 27 Scollie/Growlithe lvl 26 Draco/Dratini lvl 26 Eevee/Glaceon lvl 27 Aqua/Lanturn lvl 27 Shadow/Drifblim lvl 28 Training up so team will stop being one shotted by Jasmine's attacks outside the Safari Zone. o.o Also wondering how I completely forgot to add a Nidoran - Nidoking...
  2. Dragonclaw

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Training and heading to Cianwood. Cynda the Quilava at level 25, booted Poliwhirl and Flaafy for a Chinchou, and my Golbat evolved into a Crobat only 3 levels later. Oh, and I have an Eevee I might pokewalk and two HM slaves. Surely there has to be good training spots around here; half the...
  3. Dragonclaw

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Just got it today (cursed Australian release dates). But I can't wait :D Don't have anything special to add yet, though.
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