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Search results

  1. Drifloon Rocks

    Pet Peeves

    People who hate me for no reason. I don't get why people will dislike me, but have no reason to back it up with. They'll just say I'm 'annoying' and that's reason enough to hate me.
  2. Drifloon Rocks

    Pet Peeves

    Oh yeah, and celebrity gossip magazines at the store. "Oprah's love affair! Her secret sex life with Lindsay Lohan!" They drive me crazy. I once saw one that said "Lindsay's getting married?! She's wearing a ring!" And it had a close-up of her hand with a ring on it. Girls can wear rings without...
  3. Drifloon Rocks

    Pet Peeves

    -people who think they're better than everyone else, especially if it's because they/their parents have more money -girls who stuff their bra and/or dress immodestly -people who can't stand that other people may have different religious beliefs -people who don't respect that others believe/don't...
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