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  1. Eevee

    On Recent Actions Involving the Spriting Board(s)

    Well, I'm sure glad anything actually came of this.
  2. Eevee

    On Recent Actions Involving the Spriting Board(s)

    Actually it is the classic sign of fakeposting. I suppose the implication is that whatever I'm replying to is so worthless that I can't even be bothered to press Shift. I can only hear this in Lati's voice. He said it some two dozen times while I was away for Mel's wedding. :(
  3. Eevee

    On Recent Actions Involving the Spriting Board(s)

    I suppose what I was ultimately trying to get at was that, while I like the forums, there isn't really much for me here, and I doubt I am alone in this. This seems to have been lost in the rush to explain in great detail why being an asshole is a bad thing and why everyone else's enjoyment is...
  4. Eevee

    On Recent Actions Involving the Spriting Board(s)

    I don't know. You'd need enough people who care enough to try to gain influence and spread a focus on quality. That's hard to do, and there are a whoooole lot of people we've perhaps never even seen who post plenty but keep it to some specific forum.
  5. Eevee

    On Recent Actions Involving the Spriting Board(s)

    Practical problems. There is of course the obvious argument that I should just be civil anyway, but then why read threads at all when half of them are frustrating and giving real answers will just lead to more frustration?
  6. Eevee

    On Recent Actions Involving the Spriting Board(s)

    fishin for some trollans You know. I can srspost all day. I can go into exquisite detail about why X tool is better, or why Y ethical stance is better, or why Z way of acting is better. I think about all my decisions and I can write half-decently enough to express why I make them and when...
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