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Search results

  1. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((Whoa, I missed some stuff. *reads missed pages* WHAT?! I missed the end?!)) Talon, who was bowing with the others in full Zapdos form, looked towards the others and whispered, "You know, I'd be mad if that happened too, but to almost end the world for it?! These space-time...
  2. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Neptune, how much longer till we reach the top?" yelled Talon to the Articuno morph leading the team.
  3. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Hey Thorn, I don't think you should be concerned with the candyman. You seem to have too much sugar as it is!" Talon said with a laugh.
  4. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "My name's Talon! What's you're name?" Talon asked the newly arrived Mew morph.
  5. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "So, what exactly are we gonna do when we get there? Did you have some special Giratina-related plan, Ryan?" Talon said as he flew along with the group in his Zapdos form, emitting sparks along the way.
  6. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Hey, why don't we all fly?" said Talon. "Anyone who can't can just ride on one of those who can!" Talon quickly became entirely Zapdos. "If anyone wants a quicker path up, turn into your smallest form and hop on!"
  7. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star (Okay, I was gone longer than I thought, but I'm back now) Talon, who was walking along with the group, gasped at the stench. "Good grief, Thorn!" he yelled, covering his nose with both of his wings (unless stated otherwise, Talon is always in morph mode, as in, 1/2 of each form).
  8. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "I wanna go fishing, too!" said Talon. "Is there a lake nearby?"
  9. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((sweet, the bird trio (or quartet if you count lugia) is complete!))
  10. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((uh, I'm gonna be gone this weekend, so if the group goes some where, just have me go with you, and if there's a fight, you could have me fly around using Thunderbolt or something))
  11. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "If any of you other two want to join our group, just say so! You don't need to wait with your hand raised until the teacher calls on you!" Talon said jokingly. "So what are your names? And what's YOUR name, Giratina guy?"
  12. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "I'm with Thorn: let's get something to eat!" Talon said as he landed, retracting his wings and tail. "I've never been here before; is there a good restaraunt nearby?"
  13. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((Maybe I missed a previous post, but Metallic Deoxys just made me think of something: Where are we? And I know we're in Sinnoh, but what part of Sinnoh are we in?)) Talon replied to Neptune's observation, "Yeah, with Thorn as Lugia, you as Articuno, and me as Zapdos, all we...
  14. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((good grief, I'm gone for a couple hours and we're on page 4!)) A boy dressed in black and red then stepped forward. He had black hair with a yellow lightning-like stripe down the middle. "Well, I guess I'll join you guys on your quest or whatever. After all..." He then...
  15. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star ((Wait, so it just so happens that our entire group consists of Pokemorphs but not a single one of us knows it? And why would humans be our enemies if we all look like humans and we don't know we're pokemorphs and therefore we each think everyone else is human? Wouldn't that...
  16. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Warning: Scratch Sprite Approaching! Well, the sprite of Tyson or Pearl or whatever his name is isn't scratch, but his color changes, jacket, tail, and wings are all scratch. Also, I changed my profile so now he knows Light Screen instead of Fly, but he can still fly-- he...
  17. Eeveeon25

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Name: Talon Orre Pokemon mixed with: Zapdos Gender: Male Age: 16 Personality: Lazy, not in that he doesn't like doing anything, but in that he doesn't like doing what he doesn't want to, though he will do it if it's necissary. He also likes joking around, though he doesn't...
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