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Search results

  1. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    ((I never said that.. I'm just waiting for something to happen.))
  2. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    ((Er, I meant something like someone noticing Moon or the like. Please don't eat me!))
  3. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    ((Well, I'd love to post, but nobody is, really, and so.. Yeah.))
  4. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    ((Well, Butterfree is the one in charge around here, so I guess she can do whatever she feels like. Not that I'm complaining about this getting bumped.. I did like this RP. >>))
  5. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    ((Oh merciful poopcrap, are you even allowed to bump threads this old?!))
  6. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    Moon squealed with surprise and jumped to the side, not at all expecting something to fly by like that. She watched it fly away, panting. Wolf-bird? Shouldn't squeal. Wolves heard me. Did they? Run? But I'm hungry. No mice.
  7. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    Howling. Moon woke up, looking around for the source of the sound. She stretched and got up, crawling out of her makeshift den (formed by couple of huge rocks around a tree). The pack must be awake. Be seen. Go away. The fox turned and trotted silently about 20 feet away, then crouched down in...
  8. Elfin

    Open The Crystalmoon Wolf Pack

    This looks pretty interesting, but please use a bit better spelling, silverfur. Name: Moon age: About 15 in "fox/wolf/whatever years" species: Corsac Fox ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsac_Fox)) gender: Female personality: She can be a bit of a loner, but usually doesn't mind being with a...
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