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Search results

  1. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    "I like your house. I'm going home now. Bye-bye!" Acacia curtsied and left the house, humming cheerfully. She decided to go to closer to the ocean. She ran the the beach, her bare feet covered in sand. "What's that? Ducks? They're big." Far off in the distance, she could see huge... somethings...
  2. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((Having a stupid moment. Have the goblins arrived at Monari yet? I think some were already there, but not the ones Link008 was mentioning... sorry, I'm confused. :sweatdrop:))
  3. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Acacia reappeared in her human form, giggling impishly. She snapped her fingers, and the mass of vines disappeared. She picked up the flower, admiring the different colors. She looked innocently at the human and asked in a hurt voice, "But don't you like plants? I think they were pretty." She...
  4. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((Hey, link008. I can't post until you do something. D:))
  5. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    That was fun. Acacia giggled and decided to take her prank a step further. Her human form wavered and dissipated into a brown and green mist, then went invisible. She moved through the wall of the house, which was easy without a body. She chose a spot directly in front of the human (so he would...
  6. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((You are?! Whathewigetwflibflgksl AARRGH!! I need to pay more attention, I really do. ^^; Nothing is happening with my character because there's hardly anyone there. Jeez, Monari needs love too!grumblegrumble)) So much for the original plan of going home. The spirit was pretty far from where...
  7. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((Is anyone actually in Monari except me? Starting to regret having my character there.. :P))
  8. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Acacia was soon bored, nothing seemed to be going on anywhere nearby. She pulled off a few thin ivy vines that had grown around her feet and jumped to the ground with a loud thump. A fall from that height would have killed a human, but she didn't have to worry about that. The spirit giggled and...
  9. Elfin

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Acacia surveyed her work happily. Dozens of different colors of flowered were growing around the human village. She thought it looked very pretty and hoped the humans would agree. More importantly, some of the plants she had created could be used as medicine for colds and the like. She called...
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