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  1. Erindor the Espeon


    Actually, our religion used to do that, but that was back in the 1800's. Don't ask me why we used to do that, but we definitely don't do that now. The laws have changed to between a man and a woman. :/ Zephry: Several things similar to that have indeed been posted. But I see your point.
  2. Erindor the Espeon


    I didn't mean him. I was pointing to his argument. Sorry if that was unclear.
  3. Erindor the Espeon


    You can control you feelings of sexuality, J.T. at least to some degree. Go see a psychiatrist. Talk it through. You can get mental help.
  4. Erindor the Espeon


    Yet the other people here only contradict what other people say against it, usually not giving any evidence of their own. Other than free rights and stuff.
  5. Erindor the Espeon


    But you probably don't especially with this Christmas break coming up. Wait, did I just contradict you? Uh...
  6. Erindor the Espeon


    Dark Tyranitar, my good friend, you have explained it all. My argument: my religion. Said over and over again, that people will disregard it. Oh well. It's not just my religion prohibiting it, I have made the choice to be against it. And, as we have said, we all have the 'right' to have our...
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