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  1. EvilCrazyMonkey


    My place isn't actually bad compared to most others in the Bible Belt. If I were in Texas, Alabama, or Mississippi, that would be another story. (and if you are in NC, one state above me, then I'm sure it's not that bad. I think that one is the least religious of the whole area.)
  2. EvilCrazyMonkey


    I'm going to have to agree with this. Of course, living in the Bible Belt doesn't really help much where they stone all gay people. :( edit: and really, there were these group of three people who were playing around. Two of them were dating. This one girl came up and started speaking about how...
  3. EvilCrazyMonkey


    Yes, and because it was intertwined with politics we will need to learn it. Not simply because it existed. Rubik's cubes exist today and are widespread; are our descendants required to learn about them? It grants hope through the false sense of immunity. People believe that a god has a plan and...
  4. EvilCrazyMonkey


    Public, and that's the problem that I have with it.
  5. EvilCrazyMonkey


    One day at the end of the school year our teacher let us have free time, but she wouldn't let us play cards. My friends and I asked why so, and she responded "playing cards are banned from school for religious purposes." Not because they got in the way of schoolwork.
  6. EvilCrazyMonkey


    Playing cards were banned in our school because of religion. FUCKING PLAYING CARDS
  7. EvilCrazyMonkey


    Not many JW people live near me... neither do Jews. It's either Christianity or the more specific Catholicism.
  8. EvilCrazyMonkey


    With very little introspective ability. Usually.
  9. EvilCrazyMonkey


    Sounds like Jesus to me.
  10. EvilCrazyMonkey


    <3 It is god.
  11. EvilCrazyMonkey


    They do? Since when?
  12. EvilCrazyMonkey


    But has religion been the only "glue" to society ever since?
  13. EvilCrazyMonkey


    A better wording would be that religion is a replacement for those "large social gatherings" or whatever you say the technical term should be.
  14. EvilCrazyMonkey


    Religion exists because people believe in quote god(s), not because it holds off wars or does anything good.
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