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Search results

  1. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    OK...ooh I can't wait~
  2. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    Ooh special. Hopefully this 'special' is coming soon~
  3. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    You know to PM them right?
  4. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    I'll take Shivee and Tailvee.
  5. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    ^ Ever heard of Timezones?
  6. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    But bumping too many times may be bad. But for now it's all good.
  7. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    Ooh, yay this place lives! It was my favorite shop :) Note to Water: It wasn't a big bump so it doesn't really matter.
  8. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    It's Vaporeon :) And well, you bumped the thread.
  9. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    ^ You never know what eeveelution it will turn into :D If ever an Eevee/Skitty one comes I shall have it. If it turns into Espeon and Delcatty YOU ROCK!
  10. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    ^ Wouldn't it make more sense if IT WAS GOLBAT because Golbat HAPPENS to be Zubat's evolution?
  11. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    ^ How about an example?
  12. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    ^ You aren't the boss of this place. It was your choice to make them.
  13. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    Can I have the Oddivee and the Psyvee? Thanks, they are an important part of my sig elsewhere.
  14. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    I'd like a Glameow and Cyndaquil one please. They are both so cute :D
  15. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    I suppose so... Edit: Wait a second...*opens tab* I have your PM in my Inbox...I must have missed it somehow... Sorry for all the fuss, Jewel.
  16. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    Dratini/Eevee and Torchic Eevee please. They're both cute~ Edit: You never gave me my requested Mudvee and Wingvee. I requested them on the previous page. If Eevee is EVER spliced with Skitty I HAVE TO HAVE IT. Anyway Skitty is perfect with Skitty, they both evolve once.
  17. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    Can I please have the Mudvee and the Wingvee is I'm allowed to. If not then I'll just have the Mudvee. Thanks so much. Edit: Eevee: YAY!! It's an...Eevee splice adoptable. AND it is SOOOO cute. I LUV it SOOOO much. Thanks Jewel, you made me even cuter. Skitty: Maybe one day if you splice me...
  18. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    It isn't Monday where I live. OK then, request canceled. Here it's Tuesday.
  19. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    Beevee please. They're SO CUTE. *awws*
  20. Evolutionary

    Eevee Splice Adoptables

    I doubt you can have all three but it's Jewel Espeon's choice really. But really, no one else seems to have wanted all three.
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