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Search results

  1. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Oh yeah, I saw that one(probably Obsessive Scribblers) :) It's awesome and *laughs at Castform*
  2. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Aww...sorry about the budgie, it's always sad to see a pet die :( The picture of Swablu budgie is really cute and I love the colours. Dwagie's request is absolutely adorable~
  3. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Te he, teh cuteness. I like your 'Reeeeally quick, slightly crappy doodle of the three of us as trainers' And you finally finished Jemma's Pokemon Team! I love Bulbasaur's expression soooo much, it's cuter than cute. Purple bulb! The little Cyndaquil on Girafarig's head is so cute and little~...
  4. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Awesome is too awesome a word to not say. And I'd like to say that the House Chibis are very cute~
  5. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    London bridge is awesome~ The dino's are cute, Vclociraptor reminds me of Charmander :) Requests. Hmm...make Espeon cuter~
  6. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Yes but she has posted in Obsessive Scribblers so...
  7. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Danni? Have you forgotten about this place?
  8. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    *inserts revive to awesomesauce thread* Have any new pictures Danni? The Nano Art Mo has finished.
  9. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Me want see cats :)
  10. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Awesome as always~ I loves the Delibird and Crazy Linnone's christmas present.
  11. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Amazing as usual! The colouring, the eyes, the expression, the CUTENESS :)
  12. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Well, I don't have the patience to write that much. Plus I'm really fussy about my work and always throw out my stories because they suck that bad. I haven't finished one story but have started quite a few.
  13. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Wonderful! I didn't do Nano. It seems so much writing to do in one month which sound impossible for me. I don't know people manage.
  14. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Wonderful work as always, colourful and fun *fun fun fun*
  15. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    ~Awesome again Danni~ The first picture is awesome even if I haven't watched Pushing Daisies. The second picture is just plain good. Crazy Linnone you are in an art thread crazy stalky mood, tee he he. I feel random.
  16. Evolutionary

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    This place is awesome :D Your pics are so cute Danni and you're just awesome~ I've been lurking around here for a while and not posting. Such wonderful work Danni.
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