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Search results

  1. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Woot, more more more~
  2. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    New issue! Yay for writing sprees~
  3. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Awesome awesome and nice FF reference :)
  4. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Yeah teh view would be a pain. PMD is just more suited for comics. Smallish Pokemon sprites, smaller tiles I guess. More kind of like, scenes.
  5. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Issue 19 = Awesomesauce
  6. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Hahaha new issue.
  7. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    It's cool, FF rocks.
  8. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Still the awesomesauce. You work fast, yay you. More lol for us :)
  9. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Ahahaha! I haven't been here for a while. Still going good :)
  10. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    ^ Aww, have confindence. Oddity is awesomesauce :D
  11. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Ahaha! Yay, two more copies :D
  12. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    ^ Same. Yay for comics ^_^
  13. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    PMD ones seem to be easier to make, there are already face thingys and the sprites are small.
  14. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    ^ How are you lost? In what way do you men 'lost'? Explain.
  15. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    All well and good.
  16. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    Yes, I tend to be a post~a~holic :) ~Third copy is more lol which is what comics are all about, good~ ~Plus you've put in a Cyndaquil...which is probably not going to be A cyndaquil but THE Cyndaquil~
  17. Evolutionary

    PMD: The Idiots

    It's cool and stuff but did you spend a month making two copies or are you just letting them out a bit at a time? I like them so far but as always you can't judge from the first copies too much.
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