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Search results

  1. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "Oh, Meta's not dead," Washington said darkly, "I don't know what he was up against, but I can tell you from personal experience that it takes a lot to kill him. Furthermore, he answered the call, and dropped it just as easily. Odds are he's used this battle as an opportunity to escape from us...
  2. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Meta turned his head to one side at the sight of the red lizard. He had seen the thing fighting the blue and purple beasts, so he knew it wasn't on their side, but all the same.... He reached for the trigger on his cannon, but an incoming call from Washington stopped him short. "Meta, what the...
  3. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    The combined attacks sent all of the beasts backwards. Those that could get up staggered to their feet, yet again looked at one another, and charged. Bonecrusher and Ravage readied their weapons, and- Neither had any idea what had happened, but one moment the beasts were charging, the next, all...
  4. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    The blue beast was only briefly fazed by the combined efforts of Moonwing and Lucidia, but the two purple monsters - while not being harmed too much by the Firepunch - were now even more irate than they were before. The two purple beasts looked at the remaining four blue creatures, and nodded as...
  5. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Washington had to resist the urge to say something very sardonic. Instead, he said, "You didn't need to hold back; he doesn't really care if a few of them die along the way of the journey, so long as a small number of them remain alive." His words were punctuated by another roar in the...
  6. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    The battle of Endurance between Bonecrusher's vehicle form and the blue beast couldn't last. Even as he saw one of his allies charge at another blue beast, the one he was currently fighting increased the strength of its hold on the Minesweeper. Bonecrusher could actually feel the surface of the...
  7. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    All twelve pokemon saw the massive wave onrushing toward them, but only ten of them - five of each species - were fast enough to plant themselves firmly into the ground before the wave hit. The two that weren't fast enough were caught in the surge and tossed backwards, whereupon they hit another...
  8. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Off on his own, the Meta had begun to search in the city's northern area, going right past several civilians that didn't even hear him move. it wasn't long before he entered an area marked: Safari Zone: Closed Down due to violent surges of pokemon. Meta, however, did not notice this; he was too...
  9. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Washington and Meta had split up after the commotion in the streets, which only a few of the local civilians had payed heed to. From what Wash could tell, this was something commonplace in this world. He had crept the length of several buildings before his radio went off. He acknowledged the...
  10. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "I don't think I would be necessary," Ravage said, "you saw how weak that thing was; we'd be better off leaving it be," he turned to Bonecrusher, "okay, so what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" "When you first got to this beach, what other than that flying thing did you see?"...
  11. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "Yeah," Ravage said after a moment's thought. "We'll need to move quickly, though. I suspect that whatever that thing was, it was used for a similar purpose that those demonic things were: a mere distraction." "If that is true, then I have my suspicions about what it was distracting for,"...
  12. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Ravage didn't think it would be necessary to fire off any more weapons after the thing, considering it had several other of his allies chasing after it. Just to ensure that the thing would be surrounded on all sides by enemies and their attacks, he sent a volley of missiles after the thing...
  13. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Bonecrusher saw the tornado heading for the floral creature, and estimated that the thing was on its last legs, and quickly decided to take a direct course of action. Still in vehicle mode, the Constructicon faced the tornado thing, and abruptly charged at it at high speed. Bonecrusher was...
  14. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Bonecrusher readied another cannon blast, but when the thing unleashed another tornado, a question that had been nagging in his head came to light: "Ravage, that tornado styled attack... doesn't it seem familiar?" Seeing the thing momentarily weakened, Ravage took a moment to analyze the...
  15. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Several of the sphere grazed Bonecrusher's chassis. The energy spheres left several scorch marks on the tan metal. A deep shriek emerged from the speakers of the vehicle, and then it swiveled toward the winged thing, and charged. As it charged, a fixture popped out of the side and shaped...
  16. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Bonecrusher's massive vehicle form powered out of the way of the scattered missiles, as well as the fissures in the ground. Ravage also leaped out of the way of both attacks. "Try using something that won't scatter," Bonecrusher pointed out, "something that will be difficult for him to avoid."...
  17. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "No! If you do-" Washington decided to not bother upon seeing Galacta Knight charge at the enemies - a group that suddenly expanded by a wide margin as several newcomers teleported onto the coastline. The Freelancer turned to the Meta and indicated the city. "You heard him; these enemies are...
  18. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "That could work," Washington mused, "You could probably get several good vantage points from above, though, since you can fl-" He cut himself off abruptly when he saw that a small human had teleported to the coastline - right where she couldn't see them. Washington was about to signal Meta...
  19. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    Ravage, having seen Lucidia teleport away, turned to Gohan and said: "I'm leaving it to you to teleport them to the beach north-east of here. Don't take too long." With that, he flew away from the volcanic island, and reached the beach within a very small amount of time. He shifted back, just a...
  20. E

    Open When the Worlds Need Us

    "During my flyover, I noticed that the city to the direct north was a lot smaller, and more resembled what you might call a village. To the north-east, the city is more of a city. It would be easier to hide it in the area to the northeast, and if not, we can at least gather some information...
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