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Search results

  1. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    As Aslla finished off the chains on Ccapac, Kadin's flames melted the last of Jutlin's restraints. With that done, all of Caitlin's pokemon sans Avsa had been freed, and All that remained was for Supay, Struve, and Chacu to be freed before Myles' pokemon would all escape. After being briefed on...
  2. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    Kadin shook her head a few times before realizing where she was. "So I take it we lost that battle to the green-backs?" "Indeed," Zrantox said, gathering ghostly energy in his hands, "and it is a mere matter of time before our enemy discovers our attempts to escape. I can only thank whatever...
  3. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    Zrantox had called ghostly energy to his hand and was currently using it to slice through Mohtrek's restraints. He looked up at the Weavile's question: "Once I free Mohtrek and Kadin-" Jutlin gave a small grunt of annoyance "-freeing the others will be much simpler. Until that point, Arcanine...
  4. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    Zrantox chuckled. "Go ahead and begin freeing the others, Arcanine; between the weaker chains and her own strength, Avsa's freedom will certainly be closer than ev-" A sudden blast of water went skyward, striking the ceiling. Avsa had taken advantage of the sudden looseness of the chains over...
  5. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    "Thank you, Arcanine, but I have an idea - you can melt my restraints should it fail," he turned to Struve, "you have already failed to blast free with a Dragonic attack. Attempt to use a Darkness attack." One of the heads started to build up a dark attack, only for it to feed back on itself...
  6. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    "Our trainer, Myles, has a... very slight - no, it's not slight, and it would be patronizing to say otherwise," one of the heads sighed, and Supay's eyes took on a furious glow. The Hydreigon knew that Supay wouldn't want Struve to tell the Dusknoir which they had just met about Myles, but...
  7. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    ((Are all of the humans in the same cells? (A stupid question, probably, but I'd like to know anyway.))) Struve heard the sound of rattling nearby him. A pair of red eyes snapped open in the darkness. There was silence, and then: Struve, what have you gotten us into this time? The three heads...
  8. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    ((Are all of us in the same cell?)) Caitlin stared coldly at the boy that she had woken up. He hadn't said a single worthwhile thing since his learning that their pokemon were there, so Caitlin had stopped listening to what he was saying, and tried to find a way to break out of her restraints...
  9. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    Struve turned all three of his heads to the other member of his kind. "Good to see..." "another one of our kind..." "in this place. Our name is Struve," the head introduced, "and the Rhyperior is Ccapac, the Cofagrigus is Supay, the Mandibuzz is Aslla, and the Sharpedo is Chacu." Another...
  10. E

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    First one head rose, then two, then three. "Where..." "are..." "we?" One head turned to look around the dank chamber that they were in. There wasn't much to see, and for some reason, they couldn't turn their heads all the way. There was also some strange, muffled growling somewhere nearby...
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