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Search results

  1. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Kill... I wonder why that would be? Still, if what this being says is true, then I should perhaps find some way to hide. He decided to do this by bringing the barrel from before to life, and then making it move so that it would block him from view.
  2. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    What this being says makes no sense, Kojol thought, Why would I, a... "Spirit" cause anyone to get killed? As long as nobody tries to take the staff... Unless it's the staff these "Goblins" are after. In which case, they throw away their lives... right? He began to look around the village...
  3. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Kojol turned to look at the being. Spirit? What's a spirit? He looked at himself. His hands. Is that what... I'm known as? What I and others- if there are others- like me are called. He dispelled his pwoer, and the barrel stopped moving. Maybe this being knows something about me that I am...
  4. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((and I can't post until Blastoise428 does something. Why's nobody psoting here?))
  5. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Kojol saw a someone come from a nearby barrel, and caught the word 'Goblin" Goblin... funny, it doesn't sound dangerous. How bad could they be? Uninterested in what this being was saying, he amused himself by making one of the barrels come to life and walk around.
  6. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((I assume that's Kojol, Blastoise))
  7. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((I too am on Monari, but my stupid mistake earlier probably gave that away :sweatdrop:)) Kojol reached the village, and was surprised to find it mostly deserted. Where did everyone go? This doesn't look like a village that could've been abandoned for very long... right? Well, it's not like...
  8. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((Oh, shoot. I jsut realized I'd made a huge mistake in my last IC post. (I thought the goblins were in Monari.) *goes to edit))
  9. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((Okay. Well in that case... to balance that out, I think the more he makes, or the bigger they are, the more power it takes for him to keep them going. That way, he won't be overpowering.))
  10. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    "Creating" as in he could create an living being from an inanimate object?
  11. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((Two things: One, Kojol has never seen a Goblin ebfore, so those were the "strange creature", and two: ZC, what can the powers of Life do? I don't want to make it overpowering. EDIT: IC deleted because I'd gotten mixed up about the two islands))
  12. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Kojol looked around. The path ahead of him split into three directions. Two of them no doubt will get me in an even worse position, and one might have a chance of getting me somewhere that isn't here. He decided to go with the middle path. Continuing to float, he reached a clearing where a...
  13. E

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Kojol was floating through the woods, as if there wasn't a care in the world. How long, he wondrered, had he been exploring this land? All he could remember was waking up at the forest's edge, and the only thing he felt was a nesscesity to never let go of his staff- why, he was unsure. He...
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