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Search results

  1. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    ((That's really for you to decide. All three are close together at this moment, so if you're unsatisfied, you could switch before they break formation))
  2. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    "Hold fire," Malak said, "We don't want to open hostilities quite yet." He glanced at the other two boats before giving his next orders: "All three boats, split up. The boat I'm on will head around to the southwestern corner of the island, and the other two will head to the northeast and...
  3. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    When Kailani heard the message, he wasn't surprised. He had, after all, been the one who'd given them reason to come to Surel. Still, he knew that he'd have to show up to make the act look convincing. Shifting to partial speed form, he jumped down from the mountains and took flight.
  4. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    ((@ Cryptica: How did what get its name?)) Kailani flew off toward his home in the mountains, with a few ideas in mind. He needed a plan, and soon. He could see three boats in the distance, no doubt they were belonging to the Human's Army; each filled with humans who had come to exterminate...
  5. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Three large boats cruised through the waters in a triangle formation, each of which carrying soldiers of the human's army. Commander Stratis Malak stood at the bow of the front most of these boats. Ahead lay the island of Surel, and their chance to eliminate the Hybrids. Ahead lies my revenge...
  6. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Okay. Considering how we have no new sign-ups, I'm starting. ------- Kailani flew around the island in Speed Mode of his other shape. Most beings would think of it as a blessing to have the opportunity to have so many other forms to switch to. To have the freedom of high speed, attack, defense...
  7. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Evoli's other character accepted, Yetipenguin Resrved. For the Time Being, I am Closing Hybrid Sign-Ups.
  8. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Yes, and accepted. (Though I do wonder why you put Valkyrie in your form) We need a few more humans. If nobody signs up by Tuesday I'll start, and just have a crapload of NPC humans.
  9. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Charizard Morph accepted. Now, to edit in my human profile: Name: Commander Stratis Malak Gender: Male Age: 24 Side: Humans Pokemon: Kabutops, Gliscor, Magmortar, Jolteon History: Stratis was, at one point, a scientist who had a hand in creating the Hybrids, though nobody but him knows this. He...
  10. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Expand on your history and add a certain something, Katsu.
  11. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Arcanine accepted
  12. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Mewtwo is now in. Once we have two more Hybrids. (Not counting Dragon as that's a reserve) I'll be closing Hybrid sign-ups.
  13. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Evoli, you are accepted. Now, i might have miscounted, but I believe there is now a total of three Legendary Hybrids. One slot left for those who want one.
  14. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Male gardevoir accepted. Mewtwo, your form is missing something important. Edit that in and you'll be accepted.
  15. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Mewtwo reserved, Psymon and Charizard Morph accepted. I assume you still aren't finished, Male Gardevoir, as your history has yet to be completed. Now, for my first form: Name: Kailani Gender: Male Age: 18 Side: Hybrids Pokemon: Deoxys History: Kailani was the very first hybrid that was...
  16. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Psymon, you forgot your age, and a certain something else that's important. Edit those in and you will be accepted. Darksong and Cryptica accepted.
  17. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Much better. You're now accepted.
  18. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Cryptica and Darksong reserved. Also, I've forgotten my own rules. President Micheal, you're missing a certain something
  19. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    President Micheal accepted.
  20. E

    Open Hybrid's War

    Dragon and Evoli reserved. I might post my form tomorrow.
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