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Search results

  1. Featherdance

    Where am I oshi-

    Ok 1) Scones <3 2) PONI <33333 3) Your name seems REEAAAALLLY familiar. You wouldn't happen to be on Ponychan, would you? :3
  2. Featherdance

    Where am I oshi-

    That actually sounds quite delicious :3 i love how you guys introduce your memes early on so i don't end up confused as hell lol And I guess PM me if you really wanna know about it. It's gonna be a long story though v__v (wow that makes me realize how flipping long of a forum history I have :x)...
  3. Featherdance

    Where am I oshi-

    Well, to make a REALLY long story short, I used to be a head admin of my old home, but due to *some reasons* I resigned along with my co-head admin 2 months ago. I've kinda remained on there as tech support (since no one else there knows how to do anything on the technical side), but lately, the...
  4. Featherdance

    Where am I oshi-

    Haroooooo ^^ My name's Featherdance, but you can honestly just call me Machu for shortness~ Uhhhh, ok a little about me. Let's see, ummmm, well I'm a brony (if that's not already obvious :b), and no, I'm not going to blast you with poni if you're not into it. I'm a pretty big gamer as well...
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