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Search results

  1. Felidire

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    Yup, sure sucks ass, we just barely slipped over that junior line into the senior division. </3 -lolbigkid- I figured i'd skip platinum, because it would be the same kinda thing as emerald; but I bit my lip about 3 or 4 days ago and ordered it online. >> If you don't have D/P then i'd...
  2. Felidire

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    Ah ok, didn't realize it evolved at 55... Why the hell would they make level 50 the limit when they have no auto-adjust feature.... Might as well make it a level 10, baby-pokemon-tournament; I'd much rather battle with my 100's. For some reason I find it more fun battling with max-level...
  3. Felidire

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    Yeah but Metagross is everywhere too, like I said, I see 3-4 metagross for every 1 tyranitar; they both have the same base-stat total, and Metagross is much harder to kill in my eyes. Dragonite has a 4x ice weakness and TTar has a 4x fighting weakness? What's Metagross got?.. A shiny, metallic...
  4. Felidire

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    But why TTar and not Dragonite? or Cresslia? or Metagross..? Dragonite and metagross give me a hell of a lot more trouble than any single tyranitar ever has. They should have just stuck to their regular UBER-restrictions, imo. ..and I see about 3-4 Metagross in various teams, for each 1...
  5. Felidire

    2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships

    I'd go for something more along the lines of a slow Fire-type with Flash fire. Not to mention that a lot of the 2v2 teams out there start with a pokemon who knows fakeout. It might be an idea to work a strategy around "fakeout starters" to get you a step ahead from the earliest point in the...
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