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Search results

  1. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Hi, guys. I'm actually back this time, I think. StarKits Prophcy is amazing.
  2. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Did I die for, like, forevers? Yes. Am I coming back now? Probably. I would just like to say that I would be offended by this fic if not for the fact that it is so fucking hilarious. Seriously. Pretty much everything ever uttered by this author is a Crowning Moment of Awesome and/or a Crowning...
  3. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Chances are I shall also be the only 5'4" blonde, brown-eyed cat wearing a green shirt, gray pants, and possibly a denim jacket with cats on the back. (Actually, they're UK ones this tiem. 8D) Yey, I is typing on a laptop from Beaverton~
  4. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    ... epic book was epic. *cannot speak* By the way, there's a Smoke Mountain excerpt on Amazon.com. *walks away in a daze* *wanders back* Oh, yeah. Didn't someone say they would be meeting Vicky in Portland this weekend? I'm going to be there too.
  5. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Actually, it's Dovekit on the cover of TFA. Ivypaw is on the cover of Echoes. (And it was Kate.) ... wut. Hao is that a spoiler. She could be patrolling the WindClan border, or hunting near it, or going to the Gathering, or just near the lakeshore, or leaving the camp on a windy day, or...
  6. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    HAVE FUN ... do you want the allegiances though because usually you do. Click--HarperCollins. Click--Amazon. This doesn't have any spoilers in it--really, it doesn't, I swear--but I'm going to spoilerize it anyway. Look at this passage from Sunrise. ... If you don't get it, read it...
  7. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

  8. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Yes it do, fool. >U
  9. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    This. (Btw, for future reference, anything Leafpool says, I say too. >>) By the way... RUSSIAN ECLIPSE! EPIC PWN
  10. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    *bounces* Guys! Guys! We have the CotC II summary! "The secrets behind the warrior code will finally be revealed. * An ominous sign from StarClan that signaled the need to patrol borders * The unexpected help from a warrior ancestor that cemented the importance of elders * A secret...
  11. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    FFFFFFF MARRY ME, LEAFPOOL *has nothing intelligent to say* Edit: I managed to get larger covers by changing the world 'small' in the links to 'large'. Shattered Peace Bluestar's Prophecy
  12. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    She slipped up. It's been snipped from her blog. EPIC THEORY IS EPIC despite the fact that I've already heard it~
  13. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    This. SO YOU GUYS NEW WARRIORS UPDATE 8D Quoted from Kate's blog: 8DDD I feel so loved. <3
  14. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    *pokes nose in* Wow, it's been too long. 'Sup, peoples? ... Um, since I have zilch to say, I shall now commit SHAMELESS SELF ADVERTISING! *crowd gasps* http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1730151/ If ya need a fanfic fix... |D *looks up at aforementioned fanfic* Ooh, must R&R! Um. Yeah...
  15. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

  16. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    x_x I'm not sure I'll be able to make this one at all. Not much in the Southwest. Maybe Portland, or Denver, or if I get LUCKY TO THE POINT OF STUPID, New York City. But worst of all is that we'll have to wait another six months or so before we can even consider carrying out our devious plan...
  17. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Actually, if you check Amazon, it not only gives that title but the series title--Ravenpaw's Path. Hadn't noticed that before. 8D Edit: I forgot to mention the release date, which is November 24--the same as The Fourth Apprentice!
  18. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    How do YOU know? O< He might have failed horribly at being ~AMBITIOUS EVILLY CAT~ or summin. xD
  19. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    Gasp! Leafpool, how could you forget Gorseclaw? 8O I mean, I'd think you'd remember the SkyClan cat... No this post was not supposed to have substance.
  20. Flametail von Karma

    Warriors Fan Club

    I'll send you money. xD
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