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Search results

  1. Flareth

    Open A Shadowy Past

    (I think you mean "Dom" when you said "Dox"....Flying Cranidos xDDDD) "His name is Nigel." Deax yawned, "Those are some nice looking Pokemon too. What are they? I've never seen them before..." He's looking at me oddly. Does he think I'm a Nightmare member? she thought, He better not...to be...
  2. Flareth

    Open A Shadowy Past

    Deax looked around at where she had slept. She was just out of Ilex Forest, past the guardhouse where a woman and her Butterfree cheerfully greeted her as she made her way outside. She could see a daycare close by and the tips of the skyscrapers of Goldenrod farther back. "Please, have no...
  3. Flareth

    Open A Shadowy Past

    Deax yawned. She woke up at 3 AM after a particulary strange dream. "I just don't get it, Nigel." she sighed, rubbing the back of her sleeping Persian, "Who's that girl who keeps appearing in my dreams? I can't see how I could ever like anyone like her. She's way too peppy for my tastes." She...
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