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Search results

  1. Flareth

    Sherlock Club

    To stop the club from dying, here are some humorous pictures: http://dr-nell.deviantart.com/art/Moments-of-Mycroft-186943752 http://dr-nell.deviantart.com/art/Perfect-as-always-182956563 Abnd now some tumblr things: ...Yeah, will never be as good as Dannichu about finding pictures.
  2. Flareth

    Sherlock Club

    ...Dannichu, I love what you can find. The Objection one makes me think about what it would be like if Sherlock and Edgeworth got into a Logic match. Has a Sherlock/PW (I guess an AAI) crossover been written yet? If not, it should be. xD
  3. Flareth

    Sherlock Club

    I've just finished this first series. And well.... WHENWILLSERIESTWOBEOUT?! I feel so bouncy and amazed when watching it. Of course, it had to end with a cliffhanger, but I was like "What?" near the end with the swimming pool. I mean, it was a surprised what. I did NOT see that coming. Well...
  4. Flareth

    Sherlock Club

    I ended up watching the first episode on the PBS website, since I missed it yesterday. All I can say is...it's freaking amazing so far. :3 So, I am joining this club.
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