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Search results

  1. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "Zora, wanna do a pratice battle?" Deax asked, "It'd be fun."
  2. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Deax looked around. Jax was asleep. "Oh, so typical." she snarled.
  3. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Deax scratched her ear in boredom.
  4. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    (Um..I dunno much myself...I posted in the OOC thread weeks ago or something :D)
  5. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Deax smelt around. "I feel a disturbance." she yawned.
  6. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Jax yawned and woke up. "I don't know why we sleep so much." she said.
  7. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Jax yawned. "Gonna get some sleep." she muttered.
  8. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "Zora, don't be so rude." Jax muttered, "I'm Jax-" She pointed to the Mightyena. -and this is Deax." she continued. (Yeah, i was wondering that so i could bring in a new character. I already posted his profile in the chatroom)
  9. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "Fianlly." Deax snarled. (has anyone heard from Flareon-chan? She hasn't been here since the 12th)
  10. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Jax grabbed a bunch of berries and shoved them into her mouth
  11. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Deax padded back to the group. She glared at the baby Tailow.
  12. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Deax pushed him into a warm body of water. She snatched a few berries from a bush. She started to crush them with her paws, turning them into a paste.
  13. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Deax punced on him, biting lightly on his legs. She started to drag him to a body of water.
  14. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "Sure." Jax said, running over and using Bonemarang. Jax started in shock. "I used it..." jax said.
  15. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Jax laughed at Ki's misfortune. "I dunno." Jax said.
  16. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "Hey! Give her to me!" Jax yelled.
  17. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "Aaaaaaaw." Jax squealed, "A Tailow!"
  18. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "He's a character from a video game." Jax explained, "A game...that we play on boxes supplied by elecric tubes."
  19. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    Jax snatched the egg and put it in a bed of leaves. Deax woke up and got to the place Jax and the gang was.
  20. Flareth

    Zari Island RP

    "I think I heard something." Jax said.
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