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  1. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga flew after her, ready to Flamethrower any cameras or trainers. She let out an Ember as a warmup.
  2. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga calmed down. "I just looked into your eyes and then...there's a lapse in my mind." she cried.
  3. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga accidently glanced at Eric. But she had a different reaction. She smiled an axe-murderer's smile. She walked up to Eric, hammer held tight. (She goes crazy.)
  4. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga grimaced at the carnage. "Was that such a good idea?" she asked.
  5. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga run across the ground. She was slow. She let out a few Flamethrowers.
  6. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "You guys are so strong." Firaga said, "I'm only armed with this hammer."
  7. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "I'm Firaga, as said." Firaga said, "Good job, Anseyu....right?" She pointed at the Lucario.
  8. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Viridian...no...." Firaga said, "I'm a Pacifilog native."
  9. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "So the same thing must have happened to me." Firaga said, "I'm Firaga. My owner was a gamer, I remember."
  10. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "I have no idea...." Firaga muttered. She started to sing again. "Bang! Bang! Maxwell's Silver hammer made sure that she was dead." she sang.
  11. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga took cover. She started to sing. "BANG! BANG! Maxwell's Silver Hammer went down upon her head..." she started to sing.
  12. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga flew over to the computer and grabbed a few wires, trying to connect them.
  13. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Maybe." Firaga snarled, glaring.
  14. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga flew down to the ground. "Okay. I'll listen." she growled, "But if you get on ONE of my nereves." She threw her hammer at a wall. It stuck.
  15. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga's eyes burned with anger. A twisted smile appeared on her face. "WELL, YOU ARE GETTING A FACEFUL OF DEATH, YOU FAT, STUPID, PSYCHOTIC FOX-RODENT!" she growled, flying at high speed towards Anseyu, her hammer extended. (Firaga also seems crazy. She's a freaking murderer, like Maxwell.)
  16. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Not like I know." Firaga said. Her eyes oepned widely. She grabbed her hammer and started for Squish.
  17. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga started to feel weird. These people are all cruel, sickening creature. Gotta kill them before they kill me. she thought. She picked up her hammer. "How'd I get this?" she asked.
  18. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Firaga's eyes fluttered open. "Where am I?" she moaned. She looked down. her body was steel. "What the crud?" she yelled. Suddenly, something flew out of her hands. It landed a few feet away. "A hammer." she mused.
  19. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    GASP. I KNEW IT. So, when will we start?
  20. Flareth

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    RvT, of course. is the zure-haired one.....Zooooooorrrraaa? Name: Firaga Gender: Female Species: Charizard Appearance: Her body seems to be made of steel. She seems to have some sort of hammer in her hand. She has green, tough eyes. Personality:PO Song: Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles...
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