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Search results

  1. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives "Yes?" she said, snapping her head back to Mysti. She r an towards her. "Did you find evidence?" she whispered harshly.
  2. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives April rushed off the bus. "Okay, so there are missing people. It could be kidnapping, murder..." she muttered.
  3. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives April recalled Xin. Last time he was let loose on public transportation....ugh, she wanted to forget that. She chose a seat near the front.
  4. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives April finally made it to the bus stop. "Is it just people misaing...or is it murder?" she muttered, "Oh...how I hope to meet a lawyer. I'm sure we're linked to them."
  5. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives "I'll take the bus then." April said, 'I hope it's clean. I've never taken one before." Xin flicked his tail in anticitipation.
  6. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives "So, where's the nearest trolley or train?" April asked, "I'm not really sure, even though I've lived in this town for years." She laughed.
  7. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives "Thanks." April said, grabbing a coffee cup and a chocolate doughnut. She would have preferred a mug, but it didn't really matter. She started to gulp her coffee down.
  8. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives "I'm April. The Seviper is my partner. His name is Xin." April said. Xin tasted the air with his tongue. He looked at Raven and Crystal and hissed lightly.
  9. Flareth

    Closed Pokémon: Detectives

    Re: Pokémon: Detectives April ran in at 8:45. "I'm here, Chief!" she cried. Xin was next to her, eager to get going. "So, what is this case?" April asked.
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