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Search results

  1. Flora

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite I know I'm not trying to make him feel bad! In all honesty, he seems to have been getting angry more than the rest of us.
  2. Flora

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite I know I'm late to this but OH WELL Characterization is good! The more details you add, the better they are! Even if it won't come into play, having extra answers for questions that could come up are good! If you do, it can help you add to your characterization...
  3. Flora

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite okay now it just sounds like you're grasping at straws
  4. Flora

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite By that logic everyone's traded Pokemon should obey them because for the most part we're all friends and thus the Pokemon should know that we're good people! Regardless of whether or not said Pokemon knows his/her/its new trainer, I'd think they'd be smart...
  5. Flora

    Pokémon Basalt and Granite

    Re: Pokémon Basalt and Granite ...that would still be either-or Absoul's asking whether ice-thing evolves into fire-thing, or whether pebble-thing evolves into both. You're saying the latter; thus, either-or.
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