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Search results

  1. Flora

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    honestly i wasn't sure at the time if that nighttime vote would count towards night or day (and proceeded to Forget To Ask lmao) but this is a deeply funny outcome nonetheless. the fact that there was a chance of me winning by doing nothing was UNBELIEVABLY funny and i swear to god next time i...
  2. Flora

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    honestly incredible. anyway. er. sorry for dropping the ball on this one, i genuinely thought i could juggle this + moving + fandom zine project + general employment and it turns out i can't! whoops. i'd argue my innocence but i suspect it's a lost cause at this point lmao
  3. Flora

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    god i fucking wish
  4. Flora

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    honestly it's like. one half i keep forgetting to reply, one half not really having much to say, and one half me opting to join a mafia game while i'm kinda in the middle of moving "chel that's three halves" IRRELEVANT
  5. Flora

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

  6. Flora

    Dies Twice Mafia - Game Thread

    oh jesus i haven't been alive for real mafia in ages. i'm so used to doing these in-character. who am i when i'm not wearing some anime twink as a kinsuit. er. anyway. hmmm. not totally sure what one can extrapolate from this. i feel like butterfree's a pretty obvious n1 target?
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