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Search results

  1. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    You are just an undying puddle of bliss, aren't you? <3 Maybe this thread could enlighten you, especially this: Generic forums are clogging my internet; established communities are not.
  2. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    You answered your own question, buddy.
  3. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    Only if they're something I've already seen a thousand times.
  4. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    So! It looks like you're really serious in believing in this forum, and after much thought I figured the side of me that sees the glass half-full will draw it out since it's apparently too much to take in. I'll start with grammar. Please allow me to take the liberty of suggesting revised forum...
  5. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    lmao did you join just to defend this forum that's cute
  6. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    Because there is absolutely nothing positive for me to say about this forum. What?
  7. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    this is definitely not original or uncommon; this very forum has the same thing this is unique I guess eh not to mention the design is unappealing (read: ugly), your grammar (or whoever wrote the majority of forum descriptions) is atrocious, and standalone forums with nothing new to bring to...
  8. Furretsu

    Rayquaza Forum

    Is there a reason we should care about your Pokémon forum when - if you haven't noticed - we're already members of at least one?
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