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Search results

  1. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    That's debatable and wasn't Dezzuu's point anyway. Dezzuu was explaining that belief in an afterlife stems from a fear of death, not that people who don't believe in one are especially brave. Although I suppose it could be argued that someone who is able to come to terms with their own eventual...
  2. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    I know you're not going to read this (probably) but I just want to say that I hate this. I hate the idea that all the positive emotions that humans feel have to come from a fantastical deity rather than ourselves and each other. It's completely unappreciative of ourselves and our fellow human...
  3. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    ... Um what? No seriously what? So the Bible said that the Earth is floating is space and it happened to be correct. So what? It doesn't prove God exists it just proves the Bible happened to be right this one time. The point Ruby was trying to make was that the religious won't assume, say, that...
  4. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    Both those quotes were posted a while ago and everyone's already posted their own views on them. Please elaborate on your own stances with acknowledgement of our newer posts instead of ignoring them.
  5. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    No, animals, hell all organisms great and small, serve a vital part in the maintenance of all the Earth's ecosystems and overall the stasis of the Earth itself, from the tiniest of microbes to the greatest of whales. Congratulations on trivialising the lives of every organism on the planet into...
  6. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    What? What does that even mean!? Are you saying that animals don't matter because they're entirely physical manifestations? Are you saying animals are like complex machines? What about the fact humans are animals? What about the fact animals can be just as emotive as humans? I think you're...
  7. GameFreakerZero

    Life after Death?

    I don't believe in an afterlife. I've seen no discernible reason to think souls exist and therefore little reason to believe in life after death or reincarnation. Xikaze pretty much summed up my feelings on death itself.
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