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Search results

  1. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Their advance was stymied by the terrain as she’d feared, punishing them not on their initial assault but on the back end. Ayda splashed them with bone-chilling water and Razael swung wildly as they passed, frustrating Astrid with how effortless it seemed. She tried to keep light on her feet but...
  2. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Astrid was a bit more forward than her chimera compatriot. "Hi! I'm Astrid!" she said, eyes trailing down from the Rangers to their improvised buffet. "If we win, um, can I have a bite?"
  3. Goat

    Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

    Not for the first or the last time, Astrid found herself lost in a daydream about gliding through the clouds, unbound by gravity-- and when that got old, over the terrain that slowed their travels. She didn't really mind it, but she couldn't help herself either; after weeks here she still felt...
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