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Search results

  1. Grass King

    Windragon vs Grass King

    What the frak!? Espionage! No sacraficial moves! Well done by the way Aglaia, just a pity that the Fissure hit. Thanks for reffing this Kusari, even if it was too short. Good match Windragon. (You lucky...) I'm definatley putting a no-sacrafical clause in my next Metronome battle. And just to...
  2. Grass King

    Windragon vs Grass King

    Igneous you idiot! That was the worst possible time to use that move, I mean, the second action?! On the otherhand, well done Aglaia for your super destruction, even if it didn't hurt the opposition, and well done to you as well my Spy, for a nice Sacred Fire, just like I asked (although...
  3. Grass King

    Windragon vs Grass King

    Geodude can learn Metronome as well. So I'll send out Igneous, Aglaia and Espionage. Okay Igneous start out with a Focus Blast at Ashglade, followed by a Scraed Sword and Fire Blast. Aglaia meanwhile, lets recall your previous role as nature goddess, and use Frenzy Plant on Obvious Expy...
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