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Search results

  1. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Thinks that vanilla fudge crackers are the absolute worst thing on Planet Shakabo because they don't taste nearly as good
  2. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Unfortunately, the Rubberduckium house was actually made of chicken wings and turtle shells and thus burned down in a terrible fire upon reaching Time Psyduck's house. D:
  3. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Was the girlfriend of the bathroom/cat, property of a club owner who had a prostitute; said bathroom/cat had a contact lens dropped into it and was scribbled over by a graffiti artist. No mushrooms were involved.
  4. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Doesn't understand anything and is being fooled, along with everyone else, by a ridiculous amounts of silly conspiracies in every single detail in life. Said conspiracies are being promoted by aliens from beyond the grave who have come to this Earth in order to enslave us all! D:
  5. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Proceeded to lose all of the ice cream, pie, and cake to a swindler on the streets wearing a silly-looking shako and fake mustache.
  6. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ When I did so, made no attempt to stop me and just ran off with all the cake, pie, brownies and ice cream she could find before the Dessert turned into a lie.
  7. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Unfortunately co-engineered the project with me, leading to the eventual collapse of the Sahara Dessert into an uninhabitable wasteland, called the Sahara Desert.
  8. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Tired of being fooled by deceptive cakes, baked a nice apple pie. Sadly, the pie was a lie. Then the pie ate itself.
  9. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Is going to turn into an invisible pink unicorn because he tasted green light.
  10. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Full Name: Arylett Dawnsborough The Seventh, Slayer of Cheifus Zakalakapromsha Dala Murecklesza, Conquerer of Fate, Champion of Flame, Lord of the Mountain, the Lava-Cleansed, who dared to harm the wielder of Turzorough, the Shatterblade, and brought an end to the evil reign of Ilmurand the...
  11. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    Is said blue hedgehog's arch-nemesis, a mustached inventor who wants to rule the world. HATES THAT HEDGEHOG!
  12. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Thinks that dihydrogen monoxide is the deadliest toxin on Earth, even moreso than mushrooms growing in people's socks.
  13. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Is equally offended by the idea of socks. Bah!
  14. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Beat up many of the insurance company's members after they took away the insurance due to them not supporting superheroes and thus being unpatriotic and evil and supporting crime, supervillains, and evil arch-nemeses.
  15. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Has lived in a cave at the bottom of the sea for millions of years and has survived incidents including but not limited to: nuclear bombs, attack of mechanical clones of himself, missile strikes, the entire military, collapsing skyscrapers, crystal behemoths from outer space, and being reduced...
  16. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Has a weird memory about some giant creepy energy leech and another little thing about the Power Rangers (maybe?), but unfortunately is too tired to remember.
  17. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ While secretly plotting the downfall of her arch-nemesis broke a leg while performing at the wedding concert.
  18. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Called me a cannibal for recreationally eating other fellow shrooms.
  19. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ When she said "horrible habit," the "horrible" was in massive sarcasm quotes.
  20. Gryzalb

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Is the founder and CEO of Yorkshireman Productions, Inc., which mass-produces Yorkshiremen to be cheated.
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