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Search results

  1. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Miku, Kat, and Tsuki ran to Mysti. "What did we miss?"
  2. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki looked at Mysti with a weird look. "Why are you doing that?"
  3. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki, Miku, and Kat followed. "Who do we attack?"
  4. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Miku and Kat laughed very loud. "Good one!"
  5. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki nodded. "That's my other side of me."
  6. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki stopped Kelli and her sisters from arguing. "STOP!"
  7. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki finally found that it was a Gardevoir. "I'm Tsuki." Miku and Kat looked at the same thing as Tsuki. "I'm Miku." "And I'm Kat."
  8. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki jumped and looked everywhere. There was to be something here. Miku and Kat looked at Tsuki. "There has to be something wrong."
  9. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki found the humor with Kelli and her sister.
  10. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Miku used Morning Sun. "I'm not sure if this can heal."
  11. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki got over her shyness. "She means if you're okay."
  12. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Miku, Kat, and Tsuki followed. "Are you?"
  13. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Miku, Kat, and Tsuki followed.
  14. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    "I'm aways like this." Tsuki told Zaria.
  15. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    "H-hi" Tsuki reponded shyly.
  16. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Kat turned around to see a oddly colored Leafeon, "Who are you?" she asked the Leafeon. Tsuki jumped. "Tsuki."
  17. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki looked down at the ground with fear, "H-hello." she said in a faint weak voice.
  18. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    "Hi." they both replied. "I think that Solarbeam is trying to help us."
  19. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Tsuki got out of the forest and saw some pokemon fighting two Dragonites. She used Solarbeam on both Dragonites, the attack worked perfectly!
  20. Hikari Nijino

    Zari Island RP

    Miku used Psybeam and Kat used Iron Tail.
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