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Search results

  1. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    (To have a sequel.)
  2. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia turned into a full Celebi, "Hello Arceus." she said, then bowed.
  3. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia sighed, then looked at Dialga and Palkia from afar. I bet they'll calm down.
  4. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "I'm just saying, you don't have to." Silvia said.
  5. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia looked up, "Probably less hours if you fly faster."
  6. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia sighed, "Whatever." she said.
  7. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Sugar is bad for your heath!" Silvia yelled back.
  8. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia flew fast then stopped and flew normal.
  9. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "The candyman, is that a myth?" Silvia asked.
  10. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "I'm Silvia, I'll be 13 in a year!" she said.
  11. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia turned to Kira, "Oh, hello!" she said to the Mew Morph.
  12. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia flew faster, "This is delightful." the Celebi pokemorth said, then flew at normal speed.
  13. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia, who was still in her full Celebi form, changed into her pokemorph form and then flew with the others.
  14. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia flew with the others, "Woah." she said.
  15. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia turned into a full Celebi, "That's better." she said.
  16. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "I think someone passed gas!" Silvia yelled, pluging her nose.
  17. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "Probably this is really is Mt. Coronet." Silvia said.
  18. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star "This cave's warm." Silvia said.
  19. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia followed Neptune to the cave, then she went in.
  20. Hikari Nijino

    Closed Team Star**DONE**

    Re: Team Star Silvia flew from the ground, "This is way better than walking on snow." she thought.
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