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Search results

  1. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    701 Bring lots and lots of balloons, block as many shelves as you can, and ask random people if they want to buy a balloon.
  2. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    (nice one!) 757: get a branch looking like a harry potter wand and pretend you try to use the avada kedavra spell on random people.
  3. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    766: walk around with sunglasses and a stick, pretending you're blind. 765: run around, arms spread, shouting :VROOOM! I'M AN AIRPLANE!
  4. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    773: turn on your radio real loud 772: get some of your friends to sing real bad with you. 771: run around screaming BLOOD! MURDER! COOKIES!
  5. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    778: give a box containing a hungry dog to the butcher. 777: dress up as a fantasy warrior and ambush everyone walking past YOUR cupboard.
  6. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    782: Put the books meant for adults in the section with books for little kids. 781: Fold a paper airplane and make it fly down from the highest floor. 780: Throw waterballoons.
  7. HotTorchic

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    791: Play a game of volleyball in the cafe 790: Throw boomerangs around and hide them behind your back when someone's looking.
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