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Search results

  1. I liek Squirtles

    Chapel Matryoshka

    "Holy-". The boy's eyes widened as his hand passed through the blue glass. "Follow my lead, Crobat." He backed up, ran towards the glass, jumped and hoped his entire body passed through.
  2. I liek Squirtles

    Chapel Matryoshka

    Smearing it on the markings on the glass, he sat on the floor patiently, toying with the Pokéball with the Ratatta he just caught.
  3. I liek Squirtles

    Chapel Matryoshka

    "Now that's more like it!" He plucks a Poke Ball from his belt and throws it at the Ratatta. "Crobat, watch the Poke Ball. I need to go outside to get some dirt". The boy ran, scooped up some dirt from the crossroad, and carefully smeared it over the markings. "They always do this in the...
  4. I liek Squirtles

    Chapel Matryoshka

    (Sorry, I really didn't know what to do) "Hm, Deus means god... Balance. Godly Balance, maybe? But what to make of Crossroad dirt? Maybe a 'Godly Ballast of Crossroad dirt?' It could be making a reference to Kyogre, since he is the balance of the dirt, specifically earth, god Groudon. I'll just...
  5. I liek Squirtles

    Chapel Matryoshka

    Feeling paranoid, the boy orders his bat Pokémon to Supersonic the area, just as a shadow zooms past him. "Forget the Supersonic, Aerial Ace that... whatever it is!"
  6. I liek Squirtles

    Chapel Matryoshka

    (Sweet Jesus I hope I don't die. I'll bring my Crobat along for this one.) A traveling Trainer, desperate for a place to sleep, found the chapel. He decided it was better than nothing, and entered. He then noticed the strange glass panes at the back. Rubbing his chin, the boy wandered closer...
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