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Search results

  1. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    Where do you get the hologramness? Yesh, spore is full of humorouse moments. My awful taste saved my life once. XD
  2. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    Creature. I love being able to walk around as my creation, not to mention the wonderful Epics. *noms an epic* Wait, that didn't make sense...
  3. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    I have parental controls so I'm kinda stuck...... Darn over protective parents... ANYWAYS, Spore is great...... *claws for a subject*
  4. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    Same here. I've gotta make some more creatures..... And I need to figure out how to get pics into posts like this... -__-;;;
  5. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    *high fives* Where did all of the others go?
  6. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    No, spice gyesers are to close to the ground to send you 200 meters. I mean a volcano. Just hop along some mountains untill you find a really tall one. On the map in the corner it will come up as a brown circle area thing....... It's kinda hard to see unless you're looking for it. I need a...
  7. Ibiku

    Spore Chat

    *Joins* Yesh Spore is a wonderful game. CREATION!!!! Acctualy flight of the bumble bee is quite easy to get. I've gotten it ten times. Basicly you have to have max level jumping and gliding powers (Duh) and you have to find a volcano. Scale the mountain and hop into the magma. You won't burn...
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