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  1. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric snapped to. "Oh, yeah, right! We need to get out of here!"
  2. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric blushed and calmed down immediately. "Sorry Meda..." Only someone blind would not realize that the Chatot had the hots for her
  3. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric watched. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT IF AN EXPLOSION DID NOT HURT ME THEN A HAMMER WON'T!" He was really pissed off and ready to rumble. He flew right at the Charizard's face, claws out. He went for the eyes
  4. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric flew back. "I got the remainder of the cam-What the hell happened here?" he shouted as he phased back into being. He growled. "WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ME TAKING OUT CAMERAS IF YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO KILL PEOPLE AND SCREW IT UP! YOU HAVE A FUCKING BRELOOM WITH YOU! HE COULD HAVE SPORED THEM SO...
  5. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric became invisible and flew ahead of the group, taking out any cameras that may catch them before they could react due to their positions
  6. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric grinned. "Let me handle the cameras... I heard ghosts can become invisible, so I can scout ahead and take them out with your permission, leader," Eric addressed the Lucario, calling her by that title because she seemed to know what she was doing
  7. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric blushed at the Xatu. "I don't think you look too bad..."
  8. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric sighed. "Oh, my name is Eric, if I didn't say so earlier. I used to be a living, breathing, Chatot. Now I am a ghost and it is driving me up the wall..." He sighed once more and preened his feathers.
  9. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "Yeah, and I am a Sunyshore native! Just because they got us somewhere doesn't mean that they don't have boats or planes! Or don't you know what those are, idiot?" Eric then sighed. "Sorry, sorry... I am just... stressed right now..."
  10. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric squawked loudly. "VIRIDIAN!? YOU KNOW HOW FREAKING FAR THAT IS FROM SINNOH!? How will we EVER get to the Snowpoint Temple NOW!?" He continued to rant and rave, but soon did not pay any attention to what he himself was saying. It could have been about cheese for all he cared. All he knew...
  11. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric sighed, then gasped. "Wait, I remember something! Just before being captured, I remember seeing a giant red R... Does that mean anything to anybody?" [Will there be a sequel to this rp? If so, I already have another character lined up :D]
  12. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    "...The sad thing is, I understood the words you used..." Eric sighed
  13. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric shrugged. "I have no clue. And also..." he blinked, "I was right. The explosion didn't hurt me... Now excuse me while I vomit, as the feeling of metal going right through my stomach without hurting me is fucking weird..." He wandered off to a corner and did as he said he would
  14. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    (From now on, if I italicize lyrics when my character is talking, then assume he sounds like Our Lady Peace while singing the italicized lyrics unless otherwise stated) "Thief is stuck in my he- As the world explodes We fall out of it And we can't let go Because this will not go away There's a...
  15. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric soon began to sing out loud, for no reason, in a perfect mimicry of the artist's voice. "I don't want to understand this horror There's a weight in your eyes I can't admit Everybody ends up here in bottles But the name tag's the last thing you wanted..." He then blinked. "Well, that was...
  16. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric looked at the Lucario and laughed. He actually laughed. "Why should I move!? The explosion won't even give me a SCRATCH!"
  17. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric smiled. "What a nice song... Who's singing that?" he asked as he looked around. he then saw the Lucario get shocked. He frowned and decided to help out, despite his type disadvantage. He flew at the computer, and, to his and presumably everybody else's, he flew right through it...
  18. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric sighed. "Sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself. It felt like as if I was absorbing a ton of bad emotions..." he frowned as he continued, "if only there was a way to be healed from this crap... Although," he added with a smirk, "it IS pretty fun to make those you hate stop in their...
  19. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric took this opportunity to begin to peck at her eyes "WHY DID YOU SHOOT MY WING!?" He then stopped and frowned. He was clipped in the back, not the wing. He then looked at the Xatu and saw she was shot in the wing "What the hell?"
  20. Icalasari

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Eric then felt pain and surprise as he absorbed the feeling from Meda. This helped to further fuel his attack on the Lucario, clawing at her eyes
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