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Search results

  1. Icalasari

    Assistance with a Sprite I am working on

    Ok, I see it now BTW, that is a fake mouth there. That was the best I could do to show that The outline on the upper left isn't there at all. I did that due to his body being more matte, not reflecting much light. =/
  2. Icalasari

    Assistance with a Sprite I am working on

    Erm, you didn't put anything in a rectangle?
  3. Icalasari

    Assistance with a Sprite I am working on

    Ok, I figured out the problem. You see, I have red green colour blindness. I forgot to take that into account I filtered them, fixed the eyes (they were bright even for me), and viola! Now they should look to you as they looked (the filters screw with my eyes as well) to me Also, erm, if...
  4. Icalasari

    Assistance with a Sprite I am working on

    Well, I wanted to do it in the Pokemon style because: 1) I am used to that style 2) I am doing it for an art project, and since I won't have enough time to do the other three (...They would be hell), well, I am going to do a Pokemon style animation instead 3) Gives him the chance to appear in a...
  5. Icalasari

    Assistance with a Sprite I am working on

    It is of a deity in my card game. Jtagn. I will upload the drawing ASAP
  6. Icalasari

    Assistance with a Sprite I am working on

    I HOPE it goes here... Anyways, I need some help with a sprite. This is the basic outline of it: I need opinions on it and ideas on how to make it cleaner
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