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Search results

  1. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Ikazuchi noticed one girl sleeping and tried to nudge her awake--she needed to hear this too, just in case she held a spirit.
  2. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "The others will come at the appropriate time." Ikazuchi replied. "Darkrai, the one that created those Darkness Spawns, may be trying to see if we're present, by sending out weak Darkness Spawns first."
  3. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "There are indeed six others, but the monitor doesn't indicate it's time for them to awaken yet." Ikazuchi explained. "As for the Spawn..." She checked another monitor--this one tracking the path of the Darkness Spawn. "We shouldn't worry about it yet--it hasn't created a monster."
  4. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Ikazuchi reached for her most prized posession--her Orb of Awakening, which looked very similar to what the humans called a "Light Ball" But rather than boosting her own powers, Ikazuchi could use her treasure to conjure whatever she needed, in as much a quantity as she needed. In this case...
  5. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Ikazuchi noted Arika's fear. "I acknowledge that this is overwhelming for you, but--" Just then, a rumble shook the ground, making what looked like a ball of darkness with eyes rise up from the ground. It looked around for a moment, then flew away in search of something to bother. A Darkness...
  6. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "A number of you may also have a spirit, but without Karinai, the rest of the Squadron cannot awaken." Ikazuchi continued.
  7. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "I come to this world seeking the seven spirits of the seven warriors that protected the queen." Ikazuchi explained, showing Arika her Spirit Monitor. "If the Spirit Monitor is right, then you hold the spirit of the leader, Karinai." Sure enough, the montor was frantically flashing the stylized...
  8. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "My name is Ikazuchi--I mean no harm to you or your families." Ikazuchi began. "I come from a world in parallell dimension--one where even the lowliest Magikarps hold great power. This world is protected by the queen and her treasure, a Rainbow Crystal..."
  9. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Ikazuchi was still eating the apple when a fourth girl arrived--but then she spoke to the girl that offered her food. "Thank you for the treat!"
  10. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Ikazuchi saw one girl begin to walk away, but was interested in the apple a third girl was offering her, never mind that her Spirit Monitor was going nuts over the new arrival. That could wait, she thought as she nibbled at the apple.
  11. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    "Pikachu!" Ikazuchi smiled as two girls approached her. One of them gently stroked her head, while the other offered her hand. She backed away, a little afraid of what the girl wanted to do.
  12. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Ikazuchi hurried through the town, carefully weaving her way through the crowds of people and Pokemon. So far, she didn't sense the spirits in any of them. Just as she skittered behind a pole to rest, a sudden "NYA!" got her attention--an inquisitive Meowth was trying to bat at her tail! After...
  13. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    (for the record, Karinai has to awaken first)
  14. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Let's get underway now that we have seven people. The morning sun was high overhead when a small yellow light materialized in the sky, which formed a Pikachu on the ground. "Took long enough to get here!" the tiny electric mouse grumbled as she brushed leaves off of her. "Darkrai's tryed to...
  15. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    You can have a picture for appearances, but be sure and include a description with the picture
  16. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Okay--we only need one more before we start.
  17. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Okay, that looks good! We still have room for one more before we start.
  18. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    We still need two people, unless you want to go ahead and start now.
  19. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    (Ikazuchi is a girl, for the record)
  20. IcySapphire

    Closed Magical Fighter Pokesquadron

    Karinai has been reserved. @Mewtwo: Just be sure and include a description with the picture, okay?
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