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Search results

  1. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "Hmph. I'll believe it when I see it," Moltres said. Clearly bored at this point, the Saint pawed the ground with a talon. "I think that's it then," she added. "I will be there by dusk, you'll know where I am." The Saint then took off, flying westward before anyone else had a chance to get a...
  2. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres allowed the other Wayfarers to discuss their arrangement amongst themselves, paying little heed to them. She was just about to fly off until Dave had spoken up. "He just liked me," she answered. "Thought I had potential and I don't know. He had died before I was anywhere near ready to...
  3. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres huffed. She didn't seem to be enjoying Mhynt's way of going about things but had no way to deny any of what she said, like a disgruntled teenager being lectured by a parent. "A bit of kindness can go a long way," she mumbled but said nothing more on the topic. "Yes," she answered Dave...
  4. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres let out a bitter chuckle at Mhynt's statement. "Of course. It's never about kindness but about what you can get out of it. If the Relic can be used as a tool or weapon against your foes. The nobles thought the same." She turned her head away from the grovyle. "If that is your reason for...
  5. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres looked between Mhynt and Grace, considering their words carefully. "It would give me a peace of mind if it could be found," she admitted, "but you would do that? Go out of your way to find it after I..." she trailed off, distracting herself with answering the poochyena's question...
  6. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres tapped her foot thoughtfully though she had to frown at Mhynt's words slightly. "It's not the society I care about, it's the people. Those hardened spirits are what I want to see because that means they can face down whatever hardship is thrown at them." Still, it was clear that she had...
  7. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres looked down towards the ground for a moment, "I see," she replied. She stood herself up and folded her wings to her sides. The Saint's attention then turned to Mhynt, regarding the grovyle carefully, the implication that she was still chained by the actions of the nobles from so very...
  8. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres certainly was not in a state to contest Mhynt's directions, taking a few more deep breaths to calm the shadows further. When she next spoke, the distortion had faded from her voice. "So you all have it in you to stand up against immeasurable odds after all," she began, a hint of...
  9. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres tried to shake herself of her fatigue, tried to stand strong against the oncoming attacks but it was more than clear that victory for the Wayfarers was just within reach. All they needed was one final push... There was a moment of clarity within the Saint's eyes as Dave's words reached...
  10. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    With two of the geists downed, the final one had no choice but to chase after the distant Wayfarers and attempt to perform its trump card, singing its distorted song. Thankfully, it did not seem that Moltres had it in her to create more of the specters, in fact, it seemed that Moltres did not...
  11. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "They need to know!" Moltres yelled in response. Flames, now noticeably tinged with Shadow sparked at the edges of her beak. She cried out when struck with Radiant light, clearly taken off-guard at its potency. With a frustrated screech, she yelled, "Show me that you do!" The geists sparked...
  12. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres reeled back, her eyes widening. She flailed her head for a moment, as if she were trying to fight off an invisible force before she snapped back to attention, this time focusing on the poochyena before her. She then stumbled and lost more of her footing before she hastily tried to...
  13. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "Is deciding who should and who should not be a Saint the behaviour of someone who thinks themselves better than the gods!?" Moltres asked in response. "They always tend to be people who think that they themselves would be better than anyone else," she added bitterly. Moltres looked like she...
  14. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres' flames burned even brighter as she tried to burn away the slowing effect that Mhynt had imparted on the bird. Defiantly, she took flight after her, trying to show that she would not be grounded no matter how much they tried to slash at her wings. "And do you think that this hunk of...
  15. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    Moltres hissed at the words being flung her way though Odette's words gave her brief pause. It was certainly enough to humour the Wayfarers with an answer. "Because I want to see you fight and stand up for what your believe in against all odds." She wobbled on her feet but she still held up...
  16. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    As Moltres flew off to chase Mhynt, she waved a wing, sending the final Geist on the move. It honed in on its closest target, and like its peers, attempted to sap the Wayfarer's will to fight while continuing to sing its crackling birdsong. Meanwhile, during her chase, Moltres allowed her...
  17. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "I did nothing to stand in your way," Moltres cried out. "Nor do I hurt people! Unless you consider damage to their material possessions a form of harm! You just went out of your way to stand in mine!" She glanced at Dave however and with a small smirk added, "But you. I like you." Yet as...
  18. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    The geists flew to find their targets, spitting sparks and embers from their beaks that singed the flesh of those they landed upon. However, they did not cause harm to the body or soul but to the will, wounding the Wayfarer's will to fight. They chirped and sang in birdsong, an ancient tune from...
  19. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "And look at all of you!" Moltres said, flapping her wings, sending her geists to the chase. "You may pretend to have faced the hardships of life with your masking attitude but when it comes down to it, you show your true colours.In the face of adversity instead of gritting your teeth to stand...
  20. Inkedust

    Blaguarro Town Blaguarro Outskirts

    "And who gave you the right to deem who is and isn't worthy of being a Saint, offworlder?" Moltres asked, opening her wings, almost certainly a sore spot. "Are some decrepit old buildings that were going collapse anyway worth killing for? Is this the best you so-called 'heroes' can do?" she...
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