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Search results

  1. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One * Rises from dead* Yeah, I know just how you feel. I'm going to shut up now before people start telling me to XD *dies*
  2. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Happy to be of entertainment x3 ... right. Shutting up now.
  3. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One I guess I'd agree to that...
  4. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Actually, not. But now I am XD I'mma shut up now.
  5. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One HOW DO YOU GUYS KEEP DODGING ALL THE LASERS? Did you forget about them? Because I sure didn't... Yes, I've been watching a little too much volcoid. Is there a problem with that?
  6. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Amusement Park Of Doom
  7. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Because I'm peobably gonna die this round- DOOMEH DOOMEH DOOM! SING ALONG EVERYONE! :D In which while we wait for a final ruling by Jack, we list doom tropes :D I'll do the first one. Advancing Wall Of Doom
  8. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Yeah! :D If I even die yet. I think I probably will, because everyone has their mind set on it :P Who says we can't still have fun every once in a while?
  9. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Thank you, for calling me entertaining :3 Get rid of the clessed with suckishness comic- relief person. Go logic. Plus, to win mafia, you have to think like a mafia. How DO YOU THINK I GOT THROUGH LAST GAME, ALL TROLL LOGIC? It was only mostly troll logic XD I...
  10. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One KK then. Fire my lasers at everyone who decided to lynch me Good job ruining my anticipation, guys XD
  11. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One AWW, COME ON. *hits everyone with frying pan* >:U Super easy doesn't equal lie. Derp. I get the feeling that even if I don't die tonight, you guys'll lynch me tomorrow. WASTING ALL OF YOUR TIME GOING AFTER AN INNOCENT, ALLOWING ANOTHER TWO MAFIA KILLS. Come...
  12. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Still have more votes for Pig0serpent. And I bet you guys'll jump on me if I'm not a mafiakill :P But I wanna have more fun chatting~ D: Mah ;~; Stupid death miller...
  13. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One I POST TOO MUCH?!? IS THAT REALLY A VALID REASON?!? XD
  14. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One So you kill off the mind screwdriver because she was blessed with suck? Nice job breaking it, guys.
  15. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One FFFFF...FRELL I don't wanna die D:
  16. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Aww D: Death millers do suck, but why kill me when we have a chance of lynching an actual mafia? WHY DID YOU CURSE ME WITH THIS SUCKY ROLE?!? XD Forensics will find me as mafia. I'm a flipping DEATH MILLER. Your stratagy for that is useless. All I can say now is...
  17. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Or, you know I could be a DEATH MILLER *hinthintatrole* Plus, as I said, it was an Random Number Generator lynch. We can vote for someone else now, if ya' want. plus, I'm lynch happy because that's just how I am. I'm tired of inactivity in these games. :P Plus...
  18. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Reminding you guys I'm literally doing my homework as I type XD Actually, I'm doing science (which I love) but just for the sarcasm= Yay, we get to learn how a hag fish eats it's host from the inside out :D ... x3
  19. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One What? OH GOSH. I need my diet coke. There is a severe lack of tropes here ._. Let me fix that ;3 These are my signature tropes: Disability superpowered Crazy awesome Genius Ditz Who did the research provides comic relief and loves Diet Coke There. I used...
  20. InvaderSyl

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Just how I like it :D Doing homework on the computer desk x3
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