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Search results

  1. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Somebody forgot to put the link up xD It's here. Be there, you guys!
  2. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    It's D/P-styled; if this is for a hack, I'm afraid 80x80 sprites aren't supported. :/ Even RMXP doesn't usually, without some restructuring. But, well, all you said was "fake game" so I'm guessing it's not an actual project really but a region project. As for the sprite, it's quite good. :3 I...
  3. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Or even simpler: it was uploaded to Photobucket as a .bmp and reverted, with artifacts, to a .png. ...Whatever the case, I'm curious, Enekuro. And don't sweat it about being caught as a thief (unless you ARE RocketMeowth, in which case I apologize severely for casting doubt on the validity of...
  4. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Interesting how the first one is .jpeged and the second is by RocketMeowth. You made these, did you?
  5. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Actually, Mudkipz, technically they're both sprites, it's just the second one hardly qualifies as one. Ken#1, I have some good news for you! The site that this forum is part of has this amazing spriting guide that explains the basics of spriting in easy-to-understand terms. And pictures! Read...
  6. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Pinkie is precious. x3 You might want to add some shading on the wings, but it's a tiny icon so there's not too much you can do with it. Treetops... it's a worm coming from an apple, right? Er. I can't exactly tell what it is. o_o Darker outlines might help. So, um... yeah. Try and use less...
  7. Involuntary Twitch

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    ...Stop polluting the topic with inflated praises, you two, and go look at some real pixelart for a change. << Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a good sprite. But nothing is "too epicwin for comments." Please, be more rational. Now, as for this sprite. It's pretty good, with solid basics. However...
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