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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    I don't really know... I'm just not good at ignoring the annoying people of the world.
  2. Ivy Newton

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    If you can't even make a virus, why'd you say that in the first place? And somehow I doubt you'll suddenly start listening to us... And so this post doesn't sound too jerky, howsabout a manaphy/mantyke splice?
  3. Ivy Newton

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    ...You'll send viruses. Right. PLEASE stop being so stubborn. PLEASE listen to the criticism. It's there to help you. If you can't accept criticism, you're not gonna make it far in this world. PLEASE stop being a hard-headed idiot. Look! I said please like 3 times! XD
  4. Ivy Newton

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    So if someone was badly injured by a product they bought at your shop that you don't sell anymore, you'd just say: oh sorry, I won't offer you any compensation, 'cause I don't sell that any more? Extreme example, but it was all I could think of off the top of my head.
  5. Ivy Newton

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop-UNMDER RENOVATION Adoptables. Great. Can't wait to see them. /endsarcasm Terry. CHOOSE SOMETHING AND STICK WITH IT. And you misspelled 'under'. Why do they even allow people like you on the Internet... /endrant
  6. Ivy Newton

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Re: Terry's new shop ? Why would a bunch of 'youtube requests' (whatever that means) prevent you from fixing it?
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