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Search results

  1. JackPK

    Racsism in pokemon

    Pokemon is a multinational franchise like the Simpsons is a multinational franchise: yes, it's multinational, but on the other hand, it's very firmly based in a single country (Japan/USA respectively) and the makers are probably not going to go very far to cater to international markets* (except...
  2. JackPK

    Racsism in pokemon

    I'll reserve judgment on Aloe/Lenora until I see the English localization of her. Japan has a wildly different interpretation of what is and is not racism and, although that doesn't excuse it, I think the big issue is whether or not TPCi has learned from the Jynx debacle and changes it before it...
  3. JackPK

    Racsism in pokemon

    I agree with you that the anti-Jynx movement wasn't very logical, but IIRC Jynx was based on Japanese fashion movements called kogal and ganguro from the '80s-'90s in which girls would dye their hair platinum blonde (or use wigs) and overtan themselves. Nintendo just combined that with a...
  4. JackPK

    Racsism in pokemon

    Probably not so much racism as elitism/country stereotypes along the lines of the attitude the US has toward Canada, since every character in the games pre-Unova is white.
  5. JackPK

    Racsism in pokemon

    True, but as has been pointed out before in this thread, the opposite of that would not be a theoretical Light type, but the "honorable" tactics used by Fighting-type Pokemon.
  6. JackPK

    Racsism in pokemon

    Ignoring the fact that the TCG isn't canon... those aren't a type, they're just a ill-conceived, ill-received, ill-translated flavor modification (akin to the "Gym Leader's POKéMON" cards) that only lasted one set before being thrown out the window.
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