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Search results

  1. JackPK

    Computer Terminal

    Depositing my second Duskull into the PC, and attaching a Reaper Cloth to the first Duskull. Profile link
  2. JackPK

    Computer Terminal

    pfffft why didn't i do this nine months ago before i derp'ed and left? Attaching Water Stone to Morpha the Staryu.
  3. JackPK

    Computer Terminal

    Profile link Using [Queen Gohma] Bulbasaur (F) (approval) to place [Volvagia] Vulpix (F) (approval) in my Active Squad. Also attaching Fire Stone (approval) to the aforementioned Vulpix.
  4. JackPK

    Computer Terminal

    Here there be my profile. I'm not sure whether Pokes/items bought from the Registration Office are automatically put into Active Squad or the Computer, but in any case just to be safe: Using [Queen Gohma] Bulbasaur R7 (approval) to put [Phantom Ganon] Ralts R2 (approval) into my active squad...
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