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Search results

  1. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Congrats to everyone who participated, especially the winners! I have to say, even with only getting 1705 words, I'm extremely pleased. Although I gave up after the first day (like last year), I managed to come back for another session midway through the month (unlike last year)! And I...
  2. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    This is all I have to say. Kind of depressed because I wrote what I thought was a ton in school today, then typed it up and I'm still under 1000. I guess my handwriting is just big.
  3. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Lol moment: I just hit 666 words in the middle of a passage about a televangelist.
  4. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Turning in for the night. 639 now, but I will be writing solidly all day tomorrow and hope to reach 2000 if I'm lucky. Right now I have a Ted Turner businessman who is roughly equivalent to an immoral version of the Knight, a cigarette-abusing Madonnaesque washed-up pop star who is probably most...
  5. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    Already getting writer's block and I'm only 376 words in. Waaaaah. How am I going to do this on weekdays (especially with homework), I wonder. I'm using a weird sort of unrhymed tetrametric free verse. I.e. 4 stressed syllables per line, but I don't care at all about rhyme scheme or what...
  6. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    threeeeeeee minutes til my time zone starts i'm so excited kill me now
  7. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    I'd be up for a word war. I guess that makes me the first member of Team B.
  8. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    I'm obviously insane. My English class has been reading the Canterbury Tales and I got a sudden inspiration. So now I think I will be changing my novel to some sort of retelling of the framework story (with completely different tales because I was too lazy to read them) set in the present day...
  9. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    IDK if we're posting up our profiles again like I see you guys did last year, but either way here I am, add me add me!
  10. JackPK

    NaNoWriMo 2009

    I'm totally trying this year, but based on my reffing speed I doubt I'll get anywhere near 50k. I don't mind though. Right now I'm thinking that I'm going to start the Heroesverse-based entirely-OC Paradise Lost tribute that I've been plotting out for the past two years but have been too lazy...
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