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Search results

  1. Jack_the_White

    Spore Chat

    sigh...for some reason my computer has been acting up and runs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slow on spore, so i can't really play spore without worrying about playing so long that itll slow down so much that i can't save. Its probably cuz i have like 700 meg ram and the boz says u need 2 gig, but it...
  2. Jack_the_White

    Spore Chat

    Well, you could cheat, but I know you wouldn't like that. Besides Missions and spice, there isn't much you can do. What I'd is get a huge ass fleet (i think the max is like 4 or 5?) and start raping the weakest empire you can find. And so on and so on. Also did you all hear about an...
  3. Jack_the_White

    Spore Chat

    Like my sis said b4, I like creature and civilization stages best because they remind the most of MMORPG's and RTS. Also does any know what I should put for video settings, I want as many things as possible on medium, but wen its all on medium, it gets slow (need more ram right now, only got...
  4. Jack_the_White

    Spore Chat

    hey, can I join, I'm a big spore fan and I love playing the game!!
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