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Search results

  1. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    There was absolutely no way that was the whole story. But Laura knew another sensitive spot when she saw one. She imagined what 'destroying the facility' might look like from inside it. She remembered the dread feeling in her gut when the skies darkened over Galar. People generally didn't feel...
  2. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Laura's brain sparked with assumptions and imagined background info. A rebel team with many objectives, only one of which was their true purpose. Uncertainty – distrust of the leadership? The plan was Jade's friend's idea. (Not her own – reflexively downplaying her own involvement?) She shook...
  3. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Laura's tail fluffed up despite herself. Envy and awe competed in her gut, each overshadowed by sheer curiosity. Her reporter's impulses pressed her to Ask Questions. Find out everything. "Wait, he was born while you were there?" she breathed, ears quivering. "And... Did you? Help him?" She...
  4. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Jade got involved? She hadn't expected that... Howling hell. Laura grinned, some inhibition in her breaking. She wasn't even using Radiance, it was just... Why be cautious and serious and painstaking when everything was as crazy as it was? "Right then, five quid says I meet Mewtwo back home...
  5. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Yet. The idea that he would both thrilled and unnerved Laura. "Well, I... I already believed he existed in the first place. Now I know he exists in other worlds, I'd say it was a sure thing. But who knows, right? Like, it's possible that the project was real but unsuccessful, or that he did...
  6. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Ouch. Jade's reply was understated, but the expression on her face, that tired, , miserable look? This had been a misstep. Laura had asked too early, or in the wrong way, or maybe it was just too huge and awful to talk about at all. "I hope so," she said, weakly. "Good luck." Agonisingly...
  7. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    At that 'we lost', Laura was on a mountain peak, breathing thin air, the energy bled from her in a moment. Howls, they... they lost? She'd just assumed that, however impossible it would be, that.... "Oh— oh... I thought..." That they'd keep fighting? Win somehow? Make a difference? What did a...
  8. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Rockets...? Like the yakuza clan that were supposedly involved with the Mewtwo project...? The Rocket-dan. It tracked, but parallel universes were parallel universes. Could mean anything. She wondered whether to say anything, but the recognition on her face would probably say it all to Jade...
  9. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Laura felt the usual lurch at the idea of going it alone against a big organisation and shoved it down. She was just doing her own little thing, they wouldn't even notice her, probably. She'd figure out a plan. It'd be fine. Meanwhile, Jade sounded like her team was barely a team. Howls...
  10. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    The tension in Laura eased up, and she melted onto the table a little, relieved. Maybe even a little self-satisfied... "Guess you needed to hear that, huh." Jade had answered her question. Sortof. Vaguely. It sounded... complicated. Laura could understand that. "I don't really... have...
  11. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Laura couldn't help but lean forward, more curious for details than hungry for food. Maybe she'd order something to eat later, for now she just nursed her ginger beer and let her eyes dilate at Jade's answers. "An 'in'? Like, a friend who was already involved, or you were in the wrong place at...
  12. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Laura shook her head. "Nnnno, not as such. Few years ago I got to be as terrified of the Darkest Day as everyone else in Galar, so there's that, but I've never had a run-in with one personally, no. I've heard of people encountering a legend in the northern tundra, but that's a little out of my...
  13. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Laura resisted the urge to take notes as she listened with interest, nodding along. Howling news reporter day job... Anyway... There was something bonding about both having fought against a legendary so recently – more so, given it was a Galarian bird in both cases. She'd heard some of this...
  14. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Dakota chuckled. "Not many proper maps of the continent this far out, but I hear tell that the CA – that's the Commonwealth Army – have an expedition out in the region doing some kind of geographical survey. Maybe in a year or so we'll finally have some good maps of Sohavenia, or even the whole...
  15. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Dakota smiled warmly and nodded in gratitude. "Thank you kindly, Mr Ghaspius. I'll gladly take a gin and tonic, if you'd be so kind." Nina went about preparing the drink as if she'd sensed the request before it was given. That was a service you couldn't get just anywhere. "Malantau is on the...
  16. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Dakota rubbed his chin with the hand holding his cigarette, and skewed his mouth in thought. "Well, it's really nothing I know much about, myself. I think my recollection comes from an expedition I made to Malantau a long time ago. That's very far from here, though, and nobody much has lived...
  17. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Shadow pokémon...? My word...!" Then Ghaspius mentioned a voice and Dakota's brows looked like they were about to rise straight off his forehead. "Well that doesn't sound like... Ahem, like anything I've ever heard of." He took another, deep puff of smoke. "Summoned humans have historically...
  18. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "Hah!" Dakota chuckled, nodding. "It certainly is. I'm not convinced there are any credible sources attesting to there ever being more than one summoned human per generation. So you see, this is all very... unusual." He palmed his chin in thought, the cigarette hanging from his fingers. "It...
  19. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Dakota chuckled, and shrugged languidly. "Well, that's perfectly fair. And perhaps some other time, we could discuss rocks together! It's not my specific expertise, but I've picked up a thing or two about uncanny rocks in particular in my time. I fear that would alienate these other fellows...
  20. Jackie Cat

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Emolga Adele let out an exclamation of what most probably was joy. "Ah, I do so love a good story!" she declared. "Whether to tell it, or to listen to one! Good sir, will you humour the intrigue you have so ensconced in this humble audience?" Dakota raised his brows at Adele's peculiar energy...
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